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07039.ED – St. Philip’s School — St. Philip’s Parochial and Industrial School was located on Lawrence Street in Charles Town. It opened in 1900 and it lasted until the depression years. Students from left to right, row 1: James Russ, Carl Morris, Frank Buford, Mildred Mitchell, Morgan Crittendon, Lucille Baylor, Cleo Morris, Pearl Stevenson; row 2: ? Morris, unidentified, Paul Black, Mary Virginia Walker, unidentified, Margaret Crittenson, George Mitchell, Wilbur Drummond, Nethersole Rose, Virginia Taylor; row 3: Harold Morris, Alezia Taylor (Brooks), Alice Bradford, Frederica Morris, Leo Harris, Ethel Stevenson, Pete Williams, Hugh Crittenson, Katherine Lee, Margaret Taylor, Dorothy Williams, Charles Baylor, Jessee Bradford, Lyle Brown, Ernest Parker, Agnes Patriot, Rev. A. N. B. Boyd, Mary Ellen Rideoutt, Jeannetta Baylor, Lewis Johnson and Carl Tynes.