20002.SP – Page Jackson Girls Basketball Team; 1956 .
20003.SP – Johnnie Bailey; PJ, Class of 1952.
20004.SP – Pictured is James Jett, former Jefferson High School and WV University star athlete during a welcome home celebration. Jett won the Olympic Gold Medal in 1992 in Barcelona, Spain. He won the 4X100 relay.
20005.SP – PJ; James Butler; 1965.
20006.SP – PJ; First Boys Basketball Team; 1947.
20007.SP – PJ; Junior Varsity Basketball Team; c. 1960.
20008.SP – PJ; 7th and 8th Grade Basketball Team; c. 1960.
20009.SP – John Weaver; Senior Co-Capt; 1964.
20010.SP – Howard Curry; Senior Co-Capt; 1964.
20011.SP – Larry Togans; Senior Co-Capt; 1964.
20012.SP – Philip Taylor; 1965.
20013.SP – James (Jimmy) Jones; 1964(?).
20014.SP – PJHS; Basketball Team; 1963(?).
20015.SP – Henry (Hank) Yates; 1965.
20016.SP – Robert (Bobby) Lindsey.
20017.SP – Ronald Puller.
20018.SP – Samuel Jones (left); James Butler (right).
20019.SP – Ronald Puller; 1965 .
20020.SP – Robert (Bobby) Doleman; 1965.
20021.SP – George (Ricky) Twyman; 1961-1962.
20022.SP – Henry (Hank) Yates; 1965.
20023.SP – Thomas Roy; 1965.
20024.SP – Samuel Jones; 1965.
20025.SP – Walter Strange; 1965.
20026.SP – Robert (Bobby) Lindsey.
20027.SP – Larry Togans; 1965.
20028.SP – Alfred E. Baylor; 1956.
20030.SP – Jim Taylor (far right), being inducted into the Shepherd College (now Shepherd University) Athletic Hall of Fame in 1993.
20031.SP – PJHS; Coach Adam Craven; 1953.
20032.SP – PJHS; Coach Jim Taylor; 1964.
20033.SP – PJHS; Coach Jim Taylor; 1961.
20034.SP – PJHS; 1961 or 1962.
20035.SP – PJHS; Girls Basketball; Coach Francetta Gore Jackson; 1961.
20036.SP – Homicide Kids; black semi-pro football team.
20037.SP – James E. Taylor (Jimmy), from Charles Town, WV; Page Jackson Alumnus; taken in 1950’s; professional “Head Shot).
20038.SP – Head and shoulders of Jimmy Taylor; James E. Taylor (Jimmy), from Charles Town, WV; Page Jackson Alumnus; taken in 1950’s; professional “Head Shot”.
20039.SP – Jimmy Taylor in gym; circa 1950’s; location unknown .
20040.SP – Jimmy Taylor jumping rope in gym; circa 1950’s; location unknown.
20041.SP – Jimmy Taylor posing for the camera; circa 1950’s; location unknown.
20042.SP – Jimmy Taylor in the ring; circa 1950’s; location unknown; in training; taken while he was in the military.
20043.SP – Military base where Jimmy Taylor had his first fight; circa 1950’s; winter.
20044.SP – Cropped photo of military base where Jimmy Taylor had his first fight; circa 1950’s; winter.
20045.SP – Jimmy Taylor posing with one of his army buddies, while in military; circa 1950’s; location unknown.
20046.SP – Group Photo; probably military; Circa 1950’s; Jimmy Taylor is second from left, standing in second row; location unknown.
20047.SP – Shepherdstown Red Sox 1946; First row, L-R: Jake Monroe, William Grantham, George Holmes, Mike Swann, Charles Cook; Second row, L-R: King Washington, Tom Brooks, Newton Washington, Charles Washington, Leslie Clark; Third row, L-R: Johnny Washington, Jimmy Brown, Arthur Washington, Pete Washington, Warren Clark, Clarence Holmes, Joe Washington, Buddy Brown; Managers: Charles Boyd, Robert Stubbs (in background D. W. Jacobs); absent: Jackie Boys and Burton Brown; Bat Boys: Mack Washington and Jim Branson.
If you have any information about any of the above photos, or if you have photos that you would like to add to the archive, please email James Green here.